1 CSR strategy,
4 ambitious pillars!
To achieve our mission, we have drawn up a CSR strategy for 2021.
“Care for the future” structures the 4 pillars of our approach, giving operational reality to our mission objectives. It commits us, alongside our stakeholders, to a path of constant progress!
sustainable, resilient fruit chains
By building sustainable supply chains and limiting our environmental footprint…
carbon sobriety and the conscious use of resources
…we support fruity, committed gastronomy.
a lively and inspiring ecosystem
This approach is part of an awakened ecosystem that involves and …
Let's build
Co-constructing sustainable and fair fruit supply chains that take care of people and nature
Supporting the agro-ecological transition of agricultural sectors
Ambition 2030: 25% of our fruit purchases from sustainable agriculture*.
Give priority to sourcing from France, 10% of volumes purchased in 2023
Ambition 2030: 15% of volumes purchased of French origin
Addressing social and environmental risks in our upstream value chain
Ambition 2030: 100% of our supply chains are subject to CSR risk analysis** and action plans with our suppliers.
Let's participate
Acting for the climate, the environment and biodiversity throughout our value chain
Reducing the use of plastic in our packaging
Ambition 2023 vs 2030 : -80% of plates/kg sold
Improving our energy footprint
Ambition 2030: 100% energy from renewable sources
Reducing water consumption in our processes
Ambition 2023 vs 2030 : divide the quantity of water/kg produced by 4
Let's inspire
Support the evolution of taste craftsmen’s practices towards a committed fruity gastronomy and innovate by combining pleasure, naturalness and responsibility.
Passing on our know-how through Fruitology
Ambition 2030: 100% of our chefs, ambassadors and sales representatives will be involved in this transmission by 2026.
Promoting committed gastronomy
Ambition 2030: 100% of our chefs, ambassadors and sales representatives will be involved in this transmission by 2026.
Developing a more responsible offering
Ambition 2030: 100% of new or renovated products will have a qualified environmental and/or social benefit by 2025.
Let's unite
Mobilize and inspire by developing a committed ecosystem in and around the company.
Be a great place to work and develop a culture of trust
Certified Great Place To Work in 2024, for the 3rd year running
Encouraging our employees to become agents of change
Raising new recruits' awareness of climate change (Climate Fresco) and the company's CSR** commitments
Shine as a committed player
Member of the Businesses for Climate Convention since 2021 Member of Continuum since 2023