Kumquat puree – 20g
Mandarin concentrate – 20g
Fresh kumquat – 180g
Sugar (1) – 160g
Lemon juice – 36g
Sugar (2) – 26g
NH 325 Pectin – 4g
Cut the kumquats into 4 and remove the seeds.
Blanch in cold water, then rinse with water and drain.
Add the sugar (1) and lemon juice.
Heat and cook for 3 minutes.
Add the sugar (2) mixed with the pectin.
Bring to the boil, then add the mandarin concentrate and kumquat puree.
Blend in a thermomix until the confit texture is smooth and even.
Kumquat puree – 120g
Washed and drained dulse seaweed – 100g
Organic orange zest – 4g
Rinse the dulse seaweed in clean water and drain on a paper towel.
Cut as finely as possible with a knife to make a seaweed tartare.
Season with kumquat puree and orange zest.
La Motte butter – 90g
Icing sugar – 36g
Madagascar vanilla pod – 2g
Sea salt – 2g
Egg whites – 14g
T55 flour – 108g
Mix the softened liquid butter with the icing sugar and the split, grated
vanilla pods.
Gradually add the salt and tempered egg whites.
Finally, fold in the sifted flour.
Do not knead the dough.
Roll out between two sheets of baking paper to a thickness of 5mm.
Leave to rest and freeze at -18°C.
Next, cut out 4cm diameter rounds of dough.
Bake on a Silpain tray at 140°C for about 10 minutes in a fan oven.
Sprinkle with Mycryo cocoa butter after baking.
Store in a dry place.
Kumquat puree – 20g
Buttermilk – 179g
Mimosa honey – 45g
Gelatin mass – 38g
Greek yogurt – 270g
Madagascar vanilla pod – 4g
Melt the gelatin mass with a third of the Greek yoghurt.
Add the mimosa honey and vanilla pods.
Pour over the rest of the Greek yoghurt and finish with the buttermilk.
Blend and strain.
Place in the siphon and add gas twice for service.
Fresh kumquat – 40
For each plate, cut 4 kumquats into thirds along their length.
Scoop out the interior with a melon baller.
Blanch each kumquat in cold water and set aside to fill with kumquat ginger beer sorbet when ready to serve
Orange – 2
Olive oil – SQ
Cut segments from the two oranges using a knife.
Set these segments aside with the remaining orange juice in a small
Carty box with a lid.
Close the box and cover the whole box with film.
Place the segments in the microwave on maximum power for 20 seconds, then shake the box vigorously.
Return to the microwave for a further 20 seconds.
Shake again.
Open the tray and remove the separated orange endocarps.
Season with organic olive oil.
Chill to 4°C before serving.
Kumquat puree – 60g
Water – 260g
Sugar – 100g
Super neutrose – 4g
Buttermilk – 260g
Lemon juice – 220g
Ginger beer – 40g
Heat the water, sugar and super neutrose to 85°C.
When cold, blend with the buttermilk, lemon juice, kumquat puree and
Ginger Beer.
Pacotize and fill the kumquats just before serving.
Egg whites – 50g
Icing sugar – 310g
Dehydrated yoghurt powder – 10g
Water – 4g
Tartaric acid – 4g
Dulse powder – 20g
Hibiscus powder – 20g
Add the egg whites, sifted icing sugar and yoghurt powder to the mixer bowl.
Blend for 3 minutes on speed 1.
Meanwhile, dissolve the acid in the water and heat in the microwave for a few seconds. Drizzle over the first mixture and stir with the paddle for a further 20 seconds.
Place in a piping bag.
Using a stencil in the shape of a seaweed, spread as thinly as possible over
a guitar sheet and sprinkle with an equal amount of hibiscus and seaweed powder.
Fold into a log mold and leave to crystallize for 12 hours in an oven at 30°C.
Keep dry for service.
Two seaweeds are needed for 1 dessert.
Kumquat puree – 40g
Mandarin concentrate – 200g
Orange juice – 300g
Fresh lemon juice – 100g
Vitpris – 60g
Sugar – 30g
Heat the orange juice and fresh lemon juice.
At 70°C, add the Vitpris mixed with the sugar.
Bring to the boil and remove from the heat, then add the kumquat puree and mandarin concentrate. Mix for a long time, then strain.
Set aside in a piping bag for serving.
Glaze one of the 4 kumquats with this gel.
Place a round of Viennese shortbread in the center of the
Using a teaspoon, spread 15g of seaweed tartare and 15g of
kumquat confit.
Add the yoghurt siphon and arrange the orange endocarps
around it.
Add a few grains of lemon caviar for acidity and place two
petals of royal icing on top.
Place three kumquats in a row on the right, filled with sorbet,
then finish off on the left with a kumquat glazed entirely with
mandarin-kumquat gel.
Decorate with amaranth flowers and bronze fennel.
Enjoy immediately!
Anne Coruble is a talented French pastry chef, renowned for her creativity and refined approach to patisserie.
Passionate about the art of sweets, she is noted for her ability to combine modern techniques with traditional expertise.
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